What’s Your Dosha, Baby?: Discover the Vedic Way for Compatibility in Life and Love by Lisa Marie Coffey

“What’s Your Dosha, Baby?” takes us deep into Jyotish astrology, or the astrology of India, which is made up of elements which correspond to the three different doshas, the elements in their physical form. Vata, pitta, and kapha, each a combination of two elements.

For instance, Vata is made up of air and space. To westerners, this doesn’t seem to make sense at first, because we think of space as taken up by air, but it’s also taken up by energy. Pitta is made up of both fire and water, and kapha is formed from earth and water. Of course we are all made up of all of the doshas, but each individual person is also made up of a combination of stronger, more influential doshas, and this is what constitutes our Vedic Dosha chart.

Most people are interested first and foremost in the love and relationship aspect of any astrology teachings. How to find and keep your perfect mate is usually the top agenda of anyone seeking astrology counseling. Indian astrology teaches that in order to stay healthy, we must maintain the balance between the doshas that make us up, and failure to do so causes everything from physical health issues to mental unrest. The good news is that there are no bad matches! Unlike the dance where you find out that he’s a Gemini and you know you’re a Taurus so you leave the table, in Indian astrology, there’s hope for everyone!

There are two great quizzes in What’s Your Dosha, Baby?: Discover the Vedic Way for Compatibility in Life and Love, by Lisa Marie Coffey to help you to determine which dosha you are, one for the physical body and one that concentrates on the mind. Add up your scores and viola, you know which dosha you are. Then onto what to do with that information, how to seek out compatible mates (remember that there are no wrong answers here, if your mate is another dosha, you are given advice on how to better the relationship, not send you running.)

The best part of this book is that it gives yet another frame of reference for astrology. Jyotish astrology compared to your western sun sign and chart, along with your Chinese zodiac animal sign, is even more information for you to compare notes and come up with a picture of your whole self. A very interesting book.

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