Poor Circulation Symptoms

Poor circulation symptoms are most frequent in people over fifty and those who are about twenty percent overweight who are generally physically inactive. If this person is a female then the risk factor goes even higher.

One of the most common symptoms of poor circulation is deteriorating vision. This is due to damage to the retina which is one of the prime causes of blindness in the United States. Another symptom of poor blood circulation is a loss of sensation in the hands and feet. This is due to the nervous system receiving a lack of proper oxygen supply to the tissues. This is also known as diabetic neuropathy and the common symptoms are poor discernment of temperature and pain, frequent numbness, and pain. Another common symptom is foot ulcers. These are also a direct cause of lack of oxygen supply and thus damaging to the nervous system. And last but not the least, varicose veins and leg ulcers are caused by poor circulation and appear as damaged veins in the legs. A less known healing modality for addressing these issues is acupuncture as for memory poor circulation.

But there are treatments available to help alleviate these ailments and poor circulation symptoms as a whole. The medical field is seeking treatments or products to help ease the symptoms of poor circulation.

VeinPro includes Horse Chestnut with the active ingredient Aescin, which has been shown in studies to reduce inflammation.

In addition, L-arginine, an essential amino acid that helps to produce nitric oxide which dilates blood vessels can provide healthy blood circulation. Other supportive healthy circulation ingredients are horse chestnut seed extract, grape seed extract, capsaicin, Vitamin B-6, and Vitamin B-12, which are essential for these ailments.

Another solution, is movement therapies to gently introduce blood flow into the various parts of the body to increase circulation. Physical therapist learn many healing modalities to assist with poor circulation symptoms. As the average age in America increases, vocations in Physical Therapy are very stable, with much opportunity. If you have been thinking about a new career you might look into schooling in this area.

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