Healing Traumas: I Will Not Be Broken (Hardback) by Jerry White

I Will Not Be Broken by Jerry White, published by St. Martin’s Press, addresses the fact that “into every life a little rain must fall.”

Every one has tragedies of one type or another at some point in life. It may be loss of a loved one, illness, a crippling emotional problem, job loss, or any of a number of misfortunes, larger or smaller.

The title of Chapter One of I Will Not Be Broken, Everyone Has A Date with Disaster, tells it like it is. We know that bad things happen to good people. There is no escaping the fact that life will not be rosy all the time. It is dealing with the traumas of life that White has found a practical method of working through and helping others work through as well.

Five Steps to Begin Healing After a Trauma

White outlines five steps a person who has experienced tragedy or trauma should take in order to begin the healing process (emotionally, physically, mentally and often spiritually) and help get back to living life instead of simply existing. As co-founder or Survivor Corps, an organization that helps victims of war or terrorism, he knows all about the feelings of the human spirit when disaster strikes.

He understands that surviving the initial traumatic event is only the beginning of surviving the incident.

Healing Trauma

I Will Not Be Broken is written in simple, practical text which is easy to follow. The five steps recommended for recovery as clearly explained and that makes it easy for a person to apply the recovery principal in real life on a daily basis. Designed to prevent the victim from dwelling on the past, it will help a person who has experienced any type of tragedy move forward, building strength and even confidence as a result of their surviving the traumatic event.

A Clear Path to Recovery

Every mental health professional or counselor of any type who works with people that have experienced abuse or been victims in any way should add I Will Not Be Broken to their reference library. It is a crucial work for helping a professional understand how to break the recovery steps down into clear terms.

Anyone who has every experienced any type of loss or tragedy — I think that includes all of us over the age of three or four — should read I Will Not Be Broken by Jerry White. Anyone lucky enough to have never experienced a tragedy as yet should read this work to understand the process of recovery their friends and family must go through during a disaster of any type. Also, it would prepare them for facing life’s negative aspects which come to us all.

I highly recommend reading I Will Not Be Broken by Jerry White. It is a crucial work for understanding how to continue living beyond life’s tragic losses.

To learn more, visit Amazon > I Will Not Be Broken by Jerry White

Jerry White Speaks About His Book & Life



To learn more, visit Amazon > I Will Not Be Broken by Jerry White

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