Your Free Past Life Reading for Leo

Your Astrology sun sign can help you discover past lives effects and how they may present opportunity and challenges in this life. You don’t need to take a past life quiz or test to learn some basic information about yourself. Jeri Noble has provided a free past life reading for each of the signs.

Free Past Life Reading for Leo

Then: Your past revolved around a supportive environment which placed you at it’s center. Over a long period of time you learned how to create an ultimate sense of security for yourself. This may or may not have been a positive situation in terms of today’s psychological standards, but it reinforced your sense of self.

Now: It is time for Leos to make use of this sense of self to express their individuality. Some Leos complain that “Being myself just gets me into trouble”. They must understand however that this is their gift this lifetime; they set the example of self-expression, showing others that a strong sense of self is important.

Future: Your evolution is heading towards a higher level of discernment, of choice. Your essence of Self now is participating in the joy of just being. As you become more accustomed to this, you will pick and choose where you wish to express yourself.

Summary of Your Past Life Test: This life you want to shine! Allow yourself to take opportunity to develop your creative talents and allow your individuality to contribute love and joy to the world. If you are too shy, you may miss out on the test of this life.

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