Carrington College in Phoenix, Arizona

Carrington College offers massage therapy courses which allow you to become a professional in this rapidly growing field. When seeking a massage school, AZ might be the perfect state for you to attend classes and Carrington College is located right in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona at 8503 N 27th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85051.

Of the many massage therapy schools available, you will find the the training at this college will provide a great education. Class sizes are kept small so that each student receives the individual attention necessary to hone their skills to perfection. Accredited by ABHES, Carrington College has partnered with local employers to provide hands-on internships. Graduate placement assistance is available.

For those working with limited funds and assets you may be able to obtain financial aid to help you with schooling. In a short time you can find out if you qualify for assistance should you need it.

If you want a career in a field that allows you to truly help others while earning a great income, learn more about the massage therapy courses at this fine Phoenix massage school. You can easily request more info to learn about their school, and upcoming classes by entering your information by clicking the provided link. Perhaps, a career change as a massage therapist might be just the perfect career choice for your future.

To learn more, click > Carrington College in Phoenix, Arizona


Massage Tips – Utilize your whole body

When performing massage, utilize not only your hands, but include your knuckles, arms and elbows as you work. This will help prevent repetitive motion problems such as carpal tunnel syndrome and will leave you feeling less tired at the end of a long day while performing many massages. Also, you table height is very important and when adjusted to the right height it will make your work much easier.

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