Connecting with Intuition and Psychic Ability: Many Facets of the Heart

It’s understood in metaphysical circles that the function of intuition is strongly related to heart energy center, or love. This seems to be somewhat different from other forms of psychic manifestations that are mostly attributed to the third eye. Intuition, hunches and “gut feelings” tend to come about when we are most closely connected to our own human-ness.

This means that we are relating to our environment and accepting of our place in the world. It has to do with “connectedness”. Intuition appears to be a sense similar to instinct, and quite possibly there is a relationship between the two. Heightened instincts are evidenced by an intense awareness of the environment, spatial relationships and motion. Intuition also appears to be a heightened awareness of the environment, but on a different level. When reduced to analytical concepts, intuition can be compared to lightening fast calculations which can determine statistical probabilities and deduce a likely outcome.

That doesn’t sound much like “heart” does it? As I said, this was reducing the activity to analytical concepts. But, as we’ve been told, the heart has its own wisdom. I’ve seen that this idea is often accepted only as a figure of speech, and not as literal truth. This is what appears to be the case though. When we are in a relaxed, accepting and loving state of mind, we are far more willing to really look at our environment and absorb the non-stop stream of data that we’re receiving from it. This data is based on standard information, body language, timing, imagery and subjective experience. Our willingness to receive this input can also be called “having an open heart”.

The depth of our receptivity and our willingness to accept without judgment or intolerance the legitimate information that we’re receiving determines the quality of our intuition. We are receiving this information on multiple levels of mind, the conscious, the subconscious and the superconscious, so this receptivity has to be absolutely authentic. In my experience, if we are not open to receive this information on an unconditional basis, the results show up immediately in the diminished quality or quantity of our intuitive experience.

Perhaps a more basic comparison would be to spiritual truisms such as “seeing God in all things”, or “expressing unconditional love”. These indicate an open connection to our environment, eliminating reservations and inhibitions to our intimate experience with it. This sort of connection is an obvious distinction between the experience of intuition and the experience of instinct. Instinct isn’t based on an intimate connection with the environment, but a suspicious paranoia about it, which demands unceasing observation. This is the behavior of a wild animal or someone living under very threatening conditions. Although the results of intuition and instinct may be similar in some ways, the motivation is quite different.

Living a life based upon intuition can seem pretty threatening at first. The risk involved is due to the extreme rapidity of analysis that intuition functions from. Our conscious minds cannot keep up with the information stream, even considering the possibility that normal analytical functions may be occurring. It has certainly not been proven that these functions are even utilized, no matter what the pace. It is quite likely that many steps are skipped entirely. When our conscious mind is shut out of this process, insecurity can result. We may be reluctant to act upon our intuitive conclusions because we don’t know how they were arrived at. As far as we can tell, the result “jist growed”.

Intuition is a legitimate function of the human psyche, but like every other aspect of organic life, it can atrophy if it isn’t used. In order to bring it up to normal functioning capabilities, we have to utilize it. We have to act upon its conclusions. If we are frightened away from acting upon the information that we receive, we are invalidating it. We are telling it that it has no usefulness to us.

To make our intuition work for us, we have to pick one and act on it. This can be something simple, such as an intuition to take a different route home today. We may not ever find out why this intuition revealed itself, or we may discover that we’ve avoided an unexpected traffic snarl. The important thing is that we have trusted the intuitive faculty enough to act upon it. Repetition of this trusting activity sparks the intuitive nature to reveal itself on a more regular basis. As we grow familiar with this natural function, it tends to manifest in more dramatic ways. We can allow ourselves to communicate on an intuitional basis, relate with others based on this insight, and make life decisions this way.

No matter what reasoning we may require to satisfy our conscious mind that intuition is a valid faculty, it is well worth pursuing. Open to your heart center to the create the possibility.

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